Shelley Bluejay Pierce: The Critical Journey From Apathy to Empathy

June 11, 2008

“What would happen if we took away their fancy speechwriters, their campaign directors and all their media “spin-doctors” so that all that remained was the human being?”

…  asks Shelley Bluejay Pierce, in her latest thought-provoking opinion piece, written for the Pacific Free Press (Hard Truths for Hard Times).

The Critical Journey From Apathy to Empathy – “In the Beginning was the Word,” Now What?
by Shelley Bluejay Pierce

(part 3)
Most Americans took a deep breath and were grateful when finally, after months and months of incessant political media coverage, we knew who the final Presidential candidates were supposed to be. The onslaught of interviews, political analysts, reports on the Rev. Wright issue and ads declaring that only Hillary Clinton was qualified to pick up the White House phone at 3 AM assaulted us ad nauseum.

I have found myself desiring a new approach to the political campaigns. What would happen if we forced the candidates to take a “temporary” position as President and had them show us, by their actions and not their words, how they would perform as the leader of the USA?

Read more of “In the Beginning was the Word,” Now What? here.